Fluid-Structure Interaction: Modelling, Simulation and Applications


Institute: Dept. Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Chalmers University of Technology

Course code: FMMS035

Number of credits: 7.5 hp

Level: doctoral education

Academic Year: 2025, March-June

Prerequisites: Fundamental fluid dynamics and solid mechanics, ideally with the knowledge in computational fluid/solid mechanics (CFD, FEM, etc.).

Enrollment cap: 15 students


Course description:

This course will introduce theories and numerical techniques on fluid-structure interaction (FSI). Numerical tools for FSI modelling and simulation will be introduced and investigated. The characteristic physical mechanisms in an FSI scenario are strongly dependent on the material properties of the fluid and structure, their shapes and dimensions, and the boundary conditions. Consequently, FSI modelling and simulation methods are diverse in different applications. In this course, FSI scenarios will be categorized. A set of representative cases in these categories will be introduced and exercised. Students are expected to propose projects based on their needs and interests. For each project, a numerical solver will be specifically designed with respect to the features of the corresponding FSI model. Tools for constructing numerical solvers are not restricted. The tools that the students have on hand and use at work will be adopted. The students can freely choose commercial soft wares (e.g., ANSYS, Simcenter STAR-CCM+, LS-DYNA, NUMECA, Hexagon MSC Software, COMSOL) and open-source soft wares (e.g., OpenFOAM, nektar++, Elmer, Salome, FEniCS, LUMA, preCICE). The projects will be documented in the form of written reports. The reports will be peer-reviewed. At the end of the course, the students will present their respective projects and teach each other the techniques utilized the projects.

This course is offered for PhD students at Chalmers and other Swedish universities, as well as international students from other countries. 
– The course is free of charge for PhD students. It does not cover the costs for travel, accommodation, and food. 
– Industrial participants are welcomed as well, but a charge for 25 000 SEK will be made.



♦ Continuum mechanics for FSI

• Arbitrary Lagrange Euler system

♦ Fundamental FSI problems

• Flow-induced vibrations and acoustics: fluttering, aero-/hydro-elasticity

• Sloshing

• Free-surface wave interaction, slamming

• Thin shells

• …

♦ Principles and modelling for Linear FSI

• 1D, 2D and simplified 3D models

• Classical engineering senecios

♦ Principles and modelling for nonlinear FSI

• Large rigid motions

• Large elastic motions

• Complex engineering applications

• Numerical simulations methods

• Boundary element method

♦ Coupled FEM-CFD

• Numerical stability

• Computation acceleration methods

• Fluid-structure interface treatment

Schedule (Course activities will be organized with a hybrid mode combing Zoom and local classrooms. International students can join via Zoom like the previous year.)

14 March, 10:00-11:45 & 13:15-17:00: Lecture, exercises

21 March, 10:00-11:45 & 13:15-17:00: Lecture, exercises

28 March, 10:00-11:45 & 13:15-17:00: Lecture, exercises, project proposal discussion

4 April, 10:00-11:45 & 13:15-17:00: Lectures, exercises

11 April, 10:00-11:45 & 13:15-17:00: Lecture, updated project plan

2 May, 9:00-11:45 & 13:15 -16:00: Mid-term evaluation of projects in the form of presentations and group discussions

23 May: Hand in drafts of project reports

30 May: End of preliminary peer review for drafts

6 June, 9:00-11:45 & 13:15 -16:00: Project presentation 

13 June: Hand in final project reports

Instructor: Prof. Hua-Dong Yao (Email: huadong.yao@chalmers.se; Phone: +46 73 773 9337)

To register the course, please send emails to huadong.yao@chalmers.se; beforehand, please discuss and reach consensus with your supervisor, and send the supervisor’s approval in the form of a cover letter, or simply forward by email. 

Deadline for registration: 07 March 2025